Pioneer Juices | Premium Natural Juice

Nutritional Values

Pioneer Juices are substantially rich in essential nutrients thanks to the hale and hearty crafting process of its primary ingredients – natural fruit

 Among the nutritious elements included, we enlist the following properties for reference:

  • Rich in Vitamins (A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Rich in Minerals (Ca, Cu Fe, Mg, Mn, P, K, Se, Na, Zn)
  • Natural Fructose, Sucrose & Glucose (No Added Sugar)
  • Caffeine-Free
  • Low Sodium
  • Total Fat: 0.3%
  • Total Cholesterol: 0.0%
  • Natural Fruit Juice/Fruit Extracts
  • High Dietary Fibre Content

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